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Horizontal Stability Tester

An advanced solution to simulate the horizontal accelerations/decelerations that affect the safety and stability of the load.

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The Horizontal Stability Tester is an advanced solution to simulate the horizontal accelerations and decelerations in line with the main international standards such as EUMOS 40509 and the US FMCSA Cargo securement requirements

The Horizontal Acceleration testers include the innSlide SET, an innovative software that allows customers to define acceleration custom test, such as round about test​s, combination of trapezoidal tests, intermittent brakings ​or hard brakings.

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Why choose the Safe Load TT Horizontal Stability Tester?


  • Designed to perform Eumos 40509 test method and US FMCSA Cargo Securement requirements.

InnVision ST

  • Includes the innVISION ST system, a high-speed camera and software to measure the unit load deformation and creates a report.

Ad-Hoc Length

  • The length of the solution can be extended to meet the company needs.

InnSlide Set

  • Possibility to perform custom tests as the entrance of a truck in a roundabout.

InnVision Pro

  • Possibility of including the innVISION PRO: artificial vision system, high speed camera and software that records and automatically analyzes the results, generating a report.

Increase your efficiency with the innSlide Vision Pro

A leading and unique program in the market applied to transport simulation technologies that includes a high-speed artificial vision camera and software to record and analyze the results in real time, generating an automatic report with photos and videos, that show the deformation of the unit load at every moment.

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Horizontal Stability Tester ?

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