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Amazon Lab

The Amazon Lab is a set of testing machines able to reproduce the test procedures ISTA and ISTA described on ISTA standards

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Family InnAmazon is made up of five systems that can reproduce these procedures required by Amazon: clamp tester, inclined impact tester, vertical vibration system, drop tester and compression tester.

  • Clamp tester: This machine is designed to measure the protective capabilities of freights when they suffer a horizontal pressure and vertical motions during storage.
  • Drop tester: simulates drops and rotational impacts that may affect the cargos during the distribution process. innDrop can simulate flat, edge and corner falls.
  • Compression tester: Designed for testing compressive strength of packaging and creep performance.
  • Vertical vibration system: this tool has been designed to perform the vertical vibrations caused by several means of transportation such as a train, a plane or a ship, among others.
  • Inclined impact tester: Simulates the horizontal shocks and impacts that affects stability and safety of the load, produced by various means of handling and transportation.
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ISTA 6 Amazon features

These tests methods were developed by ISTA, in cooperation with, to evaluate individual packages to suit their own particular purposes and handling logistics and to help vendors comply with the Frustration-free packaging program.

ISTA 6 Amazon is subdivided in several types of packaged products: Type “A” through Type “H” depending on their:

  • Shipment Method (Parcel delivery of individual packaged products, or LTL delivery of individual packages product);
  • Handling Method (Standard Handling or Pallet Handling);
  • Weight (Less than 50 lbs, 50 to 100 lbs, over 100 lbs).

Amazon established the Frustration-Free Packaging Program inspired by the industry to create a minimal, protective and more functional packaging for customers.

In order to get Amazon Certified Frustration-Free Packaging, tests must be conducted according to the International Safe Transit Association test methods: ISTA (SIOC) used for Tier 1 (FFP) and Tier 2 (SIOC) testing, or ISTA Over-Boxing method used for Tier 3 (PFP). These ISTA tests were developed by ISTA in cooperation with Amazon and have been designed as simulations that challenge the capability of the package and product to withstand common transport conditions. All the specification can be found in the Amazon Frustration-Free Packaging Program Certification Guidelines.

Since 2019, vendors who want to sell their products through the Amazon distribution network, will need to enroll their them into Amazon’s Frustration-Free Packaging certification program (Tier 1-FFP or Tier 2-SIOC) and submit results of the ISTA Ships in Own Container (SIOC).

Amazon also created a Vendor Incentive Program, with the objective to incentivize Vendors that achieve Certification prior to the deadline. Those Vendors will receive an early adopter credit for their certified and those that have not been certified per the ISTA 6-Amazon SIOC test will be issued a chargeback.

Amazon established the Frustration-Free Packaging Program inspired by the industry to create a minimal, protective and more functional packaging for customers.


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Amazon Lab

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