Smart Solutions. Proven Results.

Outdoor Air Quality Sensors

Outdoor Air Quality Sensors
Bettair-IoT Precision AQI Sensor
Bettair Smart Cities Wireless IoT Sensor nodes from Dnota USA track Pollution, Gases, Particles and help advance Air Quality Initiatives in Cities, Schools, Indusrtries and Research Organizations.

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Product Details

Real-time air quality data, enabling better planning and decision making in smart cities. The installation of air quality sensors, certified by Bettair Cities, not only increases air quality #monitoring coverage, but also identifies pollution sources and assesses the impact of air quality policies.

The bettair® node is so much more

Customize the Basic Node according to your preferences, add the parameters you need, and request a quote!

Gas sensors that can be included

Choose up to 6*


Additional option


External sensors

Choose up to 1*

Complete weather station
Comes with support and integrated communications with the node, making it plug&play. Data is displayed on the bettair® platform like other data. It includes the following parameters:
  • Wind speed and direction (mechanical)
  • Temperature, humidity, pressure
  • Precipitation
  • Solar radiation
Sonic anemometer (wind speed and direction)
Comes with support and integrated communications with the node, making it plug&play. Data is visualized on the bettair® platform like other data.

Power supply type

Choose up to 1*

AC type node
Can only connect to alternating current. No additional elements required.
DC type node
Can connect to a DC power source (e.g., solar panel) without additional elements.
PoE type node
Can connect to an Ethernet (PoE) power source without additional elements.


AC/DC transformer
Can be used to connect a DC-type node to the AC network
Magnetic support for vehicles
Solar Panel
Includes a backup battery pack mounted with the panel.

Customized bettair® node

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