Smart Solutions. Proven Results.

PPA - Data Acquisition Software - Newtons 4th

Power Analysis Data Logging Software

 PPALoG – Power Analyzer Data Logging Software
N4L Power Analyzer and Frequency Response Analyzer Software

PPALoG is a flexible high-performance data acquisition program designed specifically for the N4L PPA series of power analyzers. The software drivers are tuned to communicate with the N4L power analyzer efficiently at high speed. PPALoG is capable of communicating with the PPA at intervals as low as 10ms. It is worth noting that the 10ms interval is the rate at which computed results (utilizing a 1Ms/s or 2.2Ms/s sampling rate) are returned, PPALoG offers true real-time no gap high-speed data logging with no missing data.

Please see our downloads section to download this software

Software  Size Programming Language              Functions 
PPALoG <1Mb C++ win32 API Datalogging, Graphing, Remote control, export to Excel, CSV and text, master/slave up to 4 instruments (12 phases)

IEC61000 Harmonics and Flicker (IEC61000-3-2/IEC61000-3-3/IEC61000-3-11/IEC61000-3-12)

 IECSoft – IEC61000 Compliant Software

IECSoft is a complete software suite dedicated to IEC61000 EMC testing, IECSoft provides an intuitive user interface for the engineer which enables a comprehensive analysis of results. The harmonics and flicker EMC test standards are complex and data acquisition and reporting software are often difficult to interpret, IECSoft utilizes a color-coding notification system which is updated in "real-time” to provide graphical feedback to the user of the current pass/fail parameters of the test device. This approach, coupled with a comprehensive report exporting function provides any EMC test lab with everything they need for compliant, fast, reliable and accurate compliance testing.

A complete IEC61000 test system consists of a PPA55x1IMP Impedance Network, and N4A AC Source. Each individual component of the test system can be purchased separately and added to an existing system.

Please see our downloads section to download this software

Software  Size Programming Language              Complaint EMC Standards
IECSoft <5Mb C++ win32 API





Standby Power Analysis Software (EN50564 & IEC62301)

PPA Standby Power Analysis Software
EN50564 & IEC62301 Standby Power Testing Software

N4L has developed a convenient automated software package that features all of the EN50564 test limits for standby power software testing. Combined with the accuracy provided by any of the PPA5500(10A & 30A), PPA4500(10A & 30A), PPA1500(20A & 30A) and PP500(20A & 30A) N4L units can provide a fully compliant standby power test solution.

Please see our downloads section to download this software

Software                           Size                             Programming Language             Functions 
N4L Standby Power 24Mb Visual C++ .NET EN50564 & IEC62301 Compliance,export to excel reporting

Frequency Response Analysis Software

PSMComm2 Frequency Response Analysis Software
PSM Frequency Response Analyzer Software

The N4L PSM1700PSM1735, and PSM3750 frequency response analyzers provide an accurate and repeatable measurement instrument, PSMComm allows the engineer to record and analyze the data conveniently and cleanly.

Software Size Programming Language                    Functions                                              
PSMComm2 <1Mb C++ win32 API Graphing, export to excel, FRA, LCR, Piezo
User Manual PSMComm2 User Manual v1_1cPDF, 2.79Mb

Sweep Frequency Response Analysis Software (Transformer Analysis)

SFRAComm Sweep Frequency Response Analysis Software (IEC60076-18)
PSM Frequency Response Analyzer Software

Sweep Frequency Response Analysis has been made simpler with the N4L SFRA45 SFRAComm software package, the design philosophy behind the SFRA45 program was to facilitate simple, quick, accurate and reliable measurements. SFRAComm allows the user to either control the SFRA45 directly in the field or import saved sweeps from a USB memory stick. This provides the flexibility required by field personnel along with a simple to use interface. The "auto diagnose” interface provides the user with rapid automatic fault diagnosis with a traffic light system indicating current transformer health.

Software Size Programming Language   Functions
SFRAComm <1Mb C++ win32 API Multiple plot comparison, auto fault diagnosis (DLT – 911/2004), database functions

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