The FA7000 series of Field Analyzers represent a new patent-pending approach to more accurately measure modulated electric fields as well as CW electric fields . This innovative approach uses an isotropic field sensor to sample the composite field and transmit its amplitude digitally over optical fiber to a processor unit . The sample rate of the FA7000 Field Analyzer is 1 .5 million samples per second - significantly faster than conventional RF field probes - enabling them to accurately measure pulsed electric fields in the microsecond range .
Each of the FA7000 series analyzer kits provides a webbased, oscilloscope-type display of the instantaneous electric field strength (V/m over time) and calculates the minimum, maximum, and average field strength of the waveform as displayed . Each kit consists of an isotropic field sensor, glass fiber-optic cabling, and a processor unit . The processor unit stores all of the necessary amplitude corrections for its associated field sensor .
Correction factors for many frequencies are provided with each kit . These factors can be loaded into the processor unit to automatically correct the field readings at userspecified frequencies . When correction factors are applied, the true accuracy of this device is realized.
Related Reading: Application Note #63: Field Analyzers in EMC Radiated Immunity Testing